Congratulations to Terra Ganey for completing her Qualifying Exam, and advancing to candidacy! Whoohoo!
Author: kstremle
Happy Halloween from the Paytan Lab!
Visit the Slough!
Stop by the Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve Visitor Center and check out the display demonstrating the Paytan Lab Eddy Covariance Towers! The display will be up for a few months, thanks to Gracie for setting it up.
Natalie Hermosillo Graduates!
Belated congrats to Natalie on her graduation! Go Slugs!
Terra and Susan Received a J. Casey Moore Research Award!
Congratulations to Susan and Terra for each winning a J. Casey Moore Research Award. The Casey Moore Fund supports graduate students in the Earth and Planetary Sciences Department at UCSC.
Lauren Graduates!
Congrats Lauren on graduating this quarter! We’re excited to have you back as a grad student next year!
Valeria wins a 2023 Undergraduate Research in Science and Technology award!
Congrats to Valeria for winning a scholarship for your project “The effect of Alkalinity on Subsurface Carbon Cycling in Elkhorn Slough”. Way to go!
Igor Receives ICRS Ruth Gates Fellowship
Congratulations Igor on a successful application for an ICRS Ruth Gates Fellowship to undertake research focused on reef corals and the coral reef crisis!
Maddie Recieves Schlanger Ocean Drilling Fellowship
The Schlanger Ocean Drilling Fellowship Program offers merit-based awards for graduate students enrolled in a Ph.D. program to conduct research related to the International Ocean Discovery Program. Congrats Maddie!
Susan Receives Myers Trust Funding
Susan received a grant from the Dr. Earl H. Myers & Ethel M. Myers Oceanographic & Marine Biology Trust for 2023. Congrats!