Jim Jacobs’ project “Assessing Coastal Flood Vulnerability to Sea Level Rise Enhanced by Extreme Events In Preferential Flow Pathways” has been featured in Solinist’s “On The Level” Blog. Read the Blog post, and learn more about his research here https://www.solinst.com/onthelevel-news/water-level-monitoring/water-level-datalogging/assessing-coastal-flood-vulnerability-to-sea-level-rise/
Igor Receives Ocean Decade Endorsement
Igor Pessoa receives the Ocean Decade endorsement of his project “Developing A Conservation Plan for Maui’s Corals”. Congratulations! View the endorsement here https://oceandecade.org/actions/developing-a-conservation-plan-for-mauis-corals/
Adina featured on Let’s Talk Chemistry Podcast
Adina Paytan was recently featured on the 50th episode of the podcast “Let’s Talk Chemistry – a science podcast by ChemTalk”. Listen to the episode here!
Aliya, Leah and Terra Received an INTERN Award!
Congratulations to Aliya, Leah, and Terra for each winning an NSF INTERN Award. The NSF’s INTERN program provides graduate students with experiential learning opportunities through research internships in non-academic settings. Since 2017, INTERN has offered supplemental funding to broaden research opportunities for graduate students. The program enables graduate students to acquire core professional competencies and Read More…
Jim awarded AIPG William Siok Graduate Scholarship
Jim Jacobs has been awarded the AIPG 2024 William Siok Graduate Scholarship. The award was for $2.000 and the submission was a peer-reviewed essay related to professionalism in the next 25 years and the discipline of geology. The essay appeared as an article in AIPG’s The Professional Geologistjournal. The funds will be used to help offset field costs Read More…
Maddie Graduates: Congratulations Dr. Wood!
Dr. Maddie Wood completed her PhD defense and graduated. She presented her her dissertation defense entitled: “Seawater strontium responses to short-timescale carbon cycle changes”. Congratulations!
Jim Advances to Candidacy!
Congratulations to Jim Jacobs for completing his Qualifying Exam, and advancing to candidacy! Whoohoo!
Terra Receives ARCS Fellowship
Terra has been selected to receive a 2024-2025 ARCS Foundation Fellowship. The prestigious ARCS Scholar Awards recognize outstanding students who have a record of past achievement and show exceptional promise of making a significant contribution to the scientific and technological strength of the nation. Congratulations Terra!
Leah awarded Keeley Coastal Scholarship
Leah was awarded a 2023-2024 Keeley Coastal Scholarship at the University of California, Santa Cruz for her project “Microbial Communities Driving Carbon Sequestration in Coastal Estuarine Wetlands”. The Keeley Coastal Scholars Award provides underrepresented students at UC Santa Cruz the financial support they need to engage in summer research and policy work related to coastal Read More…
Terra Advances to Candidacy!
Congratulations to Terra Ganey for completing her Qualifying Exam, and advancing to candidacy! Whoohoo!