An article published in the San Francisco Estuary Magazine highlights Christina’s work in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Christina’s study, conducted as part of her dissertation research, examined how managed water pumping in the Delta (which has driven significant subsidence of the islands) contributes to nutrient export from the Delta islands to the surrounding waters. The Read More…
Summer fieldwork in Elkhorn Slough
Our lab has installed three new eddy covariance towers in Elkhorn Slough this summer with the help of the UC Berkeley Biometeorology Lab. For more photos of fieldwork, check out the Photo Gallery.
Maddie, Jim receive department awards
Congrats to Maddie and Jim who received research awards from the UCSC Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences! Maddie received the Aaron and Elizabeth Waters Award for graduate students judged by the faculty to have the most meritorious research proposals submitted as part of Ph.D. students qualifying for candidacy. Jim received the J. Casey Moore Read More…
Zan & Maddie awarded Myers Trust research funding
Zan and Maddie both received research grants from the Dr. Earl H. Myers & Ethel M. Myers Oceanographic & Marine Biology Trust. Congrats!
Terra receives NSF GRFP Honorable Mention
Congratulations to Terra, who received an Honorable Mention from the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program!
Congrats to Igor for ICRS travel grant
Igor received a travel grant from the International Coral Reef Society to participate in the 15th ICRS Symposium in Germany. Congrats, Igor!
Congratulations to Adina for receiving the EGU Biogeosciences Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky Medal!
Adina was awarded the 2022 Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky Medal from the European Geosciences Union for her exceptional contributions to biogeosciences. Congratulations, Adina!!! This medal was established by the EGU Biogeosciences Division in recognition of the scientific achievements of Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky. Read the award interview with Adina on EGU Blogs.
The Atchison Riveter reports on Jim’s project
Jim’s project on Bay Area sea level rise and flood factors was featured in The Atchison Riveter this month. Read the article here.
Ari featured in SF Chronicle
Ari’s work in restored wetlands in the San Francisco Delta was featured in a SF Chronicle article titled “$63 million wetland restoration could be a blueprint for how California adapts to climate change. But it’s taking forever.” Great work, Ari! View the article here.
Elkhorn Slough tower installation
Susan and Gracie working on installing the new eddy covariance tower in the Elkhorn Slough!