Halloween 2021 Theme: Ocean Animals Grand prize for best costume went to Shark Gracie & Shark Piñata Michelle!
New eddy covariance tower
Swimming Upstream
Christina was recently interviewed for a story by Tess Joosse, a graduate student in the UCSC Science Communications Program, about the effects of the CZU fire on endangered coho salmon in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Read “Swimming Upstream” here.
Congrats to Jim for Sea Grant award
Congratulations to Jim for receiving the California Sea Grant for his proposal entitled “Quantifying sea level rise effects on critical coastal wastewater and transit infrastructure in two low-income, residential developments at the San Francisco Bay, California shoreline using hydrogeology and geochemistry measurements.”
Congrats to Maddie for GSA Research Grant
Maddie received a graduate student research grant from GSA.
Maddie awarded ARCS scholarship
Congrats to Maddie for receiving the 2021-2022 ARCS Foundation Fellowship!
Christina presents at the Bay-Delta Science Conference
To view a high-resolution PDF of the poster, click here.
Adina publishes stable Sr isotope record in Science
Adina and colleagues published a 35-million-year stable Sr isotope record derived from marine barite in Science. This record of seawater chemistry provides new insight into the carbon cycle, reflecting changes in the deposition of marine carbonate as the climate and sea level have changed through geologic time. See this video to learn more! View the UCSC Read More…
Congrats to Gracie on NSF GRFP Honorable Mention
Gracie was recognized with an Honorable Mention from the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program. Congratulations, Gracie!
Kim’s paper featured in UCSC PBSci Impact Report
View the article highlighted in the January Impact Report for the UCSC Physical and Biological Sciences Division: https://news.ucsc.edu/2021/01/groundwater-discharge.html